BCS Stakeholder Engagement
Детайли за курса:
- 2 дни
- Цена на курса 1000 лв. + ДДС. Цена на изпита remote proctoring 790 лв. + ДДС
- BCS Business Analysis

За кого е курсът
Business analysts, project managers, business change practitioners and anyone in business who needs to engage with and manage stakeholders. Stakeholder Engagement is also a People Skills module on the BCS (ISEB) Advanced Diploma in Business Analysis.
Програма на курса
Understanding stakeholders – 2.5 hours
- Analysing stakeholders
- Stakeholder planning
- Stakeholder perspectives
Communication – 1.5 hours
- The communication process
- Barriers to communication
- Active listening
Working with stakeholder groups – 1 hour
- Group development process
- Learning styles
Facilitated workshops – introduction – 2 hours
- The benefits of facilitated workshops
- Main workshop roles – facilitator, scribe, participants, sponsor
- Stages of a workshop
- Workshop preparation
- Conduct of the workshop
- Facilitation techniques
- Adaptability in the workshop
Rapport – 1.5 hour
- Rapport defined
- Making an impact
- Building rapport
- Body language
Creative problem solving – 2.5 hours
- A model for creative problem solving
- Techniques for generating ideas
- Rich pictures
- Mind-maps
- Fishbone diagrams
- Stimulating creative thinking
- Edward de Bono’s ‘Six Thinking Hats’
Managing expectations – 1 hour
- Sources of expectations
- Controllable expectation creators
- Uncontrollable expectation creators
- Process for managing expectations
Negotiation – 2 hours
- Negotiating positions
- Principled negotiation approach
- The people problem
- Principled negotiation stages – interests, options, criteria
- Blocks to creative options in negotiation
- Integrative and distributive negotiation
Managing conflict – 1 hour
- The difference between negotiation and conflict situations
- Root causes of conflict – goals, judgements, values
- Options for conflict resolution
- Conflict resolution process
- Handling conflict
Изпитът e Multiple choice questions формат и е наличен в изпитните центрове на Pearson Vue и като Remote proctoring. И в двата случая е необходимо да имате 26 верни отговора от 40 възможни, за да вземете изпита. Времетраенето е 90 минути + 23 минути добавено време за non-native English speakers.