BCS Business Architecture
Детайли за курса:
- 3 дни
- Цена на курса 1250 лв. + ДДС. Цена на изпита remote proctoring 790 лв. + ДДС
- BCS Business Analysis

The Business Architecture Domain
- What is Business Architecture?
- What are the drivers for using Business Architecture?
- Architecture principles
- Relationship between Business Architecture and other architectures
- The business change lifecycle
- The role of the business architect
- Other roles involved in Business Architecture work
Business Architecture frameworks
- The use of views within Business Architecture
- Key Business Architecture artefacts
- Zachman’s architecture framework
- TOGAF ADM (Architecture Development Method)
- The Business Architecture Guild framework
- The AssistKD POPIT™ model
Motivation view of Business Architecture and the organisational view
- Rationale for business motivation analysis
- OMG business motivation model
- Core values and strategy
- The business model canvas
- Organisational view of the business
Capability view of Business Architecture
- Business capabilities and business capability modelling
- Levels of business capability
- Defining capabilities
Process/value view of Business Architecture
- Services, service thinking and value propositions
- Value stream analysis
- Value chain analysis
- Business process analysis
- Value network analysis
Information view of Business Architecture
- The importance of the information view
- Meta-data, data and information
- Business information modelling
People/competency view of Business Architecture
- Business culture
- Organisational structures
- Roles, responsibilities and relationships
Business Architecture and Business Change
- The business change lifecycle and Business Architecture
- Organisational memory and the use of business knowledge
©Assist Knowledge Development Ltd.
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