25-26.02.2025 - BCS Stakeholder Engagement - присъствено обучение
Детайли за курса:
- 2 дни
- Цена на курса 1000 лв. + ДДС. Цена на изпита remote proctoring 790 лв. + ДДС
- 25/02/2025 - 26/02/2025

Being able to engage with and manage stakeholders is important for anyone in business and is a particularly key skill for project managers, business analysts and IS consultants.
Our Stakeholder Engagement course covers all the essential frameworks and principles you’ll need to know in order to become an expert in engaging your stakeholders. This includes working with stakeholder groups, creative problem solving, managing conflict and much, much more.
Presented to you by one of the expert training consultants pictured below, each member of our Stakeholder Engagement training team bring their substantial practical experience to the programme.
Understanding stakeholders – 2.5 hours
- Analysing stakeholders
- Stakeholder planning
- Stakeholder perspectives
Communication – 1.5 hours
- The communication process
- Barriers to communication
- Active listening
Working with stakeholder groups – 1 hour
- Group development process
- Learning styles
Facilitated workshops – introduction – 2 hours
- The benefits of facilitated workshops
- Main workshop roles – facilitator, scribe, participants, sponsor
- Stages of a workshop
- Workshop preparation
- Conduct of the workshop
- Facilitation techniques
- Adaptability in the workshop
Rapport – 1.5 hour
- Rapport defined
- Making an impact
- Building rapport
- Body language
Creative problem solving – 2.5 hours
- A model for creative problem solving
- Techniques for generating ideas
- Rich pictures
- Mind-maps
- Fishbone diagrams
- Stimulating creative thinking
- Edward de Bono’s ‘Six Thinking Hats’
Managing expectations – 1 hour
- Sources of expectations
- Controllable expectation creators
- Uncontrollable expectation creators
- Process for managing expectations
Negotiation – 2 hours
- Negotiating positions
- Principled negotiation approach
- The people problem
- Principled negotiation stages – interests, options, criteria
- Blocks to creative options in negotiation
- Integrative and distributive negotiation
Managing conflict – 1 hour
- The difference between negotiation and conflict situations
- Root causes of conflict – goals, judgements, values
- Options for conflict resolution
- Conflict resolution process
- Handling conflict
Изпитът e Multiple choice questions формат и е наличен в изпитните центрове на Pearson Vue и като Remote proctoring. И в двата случая е необходимо да имате 26 верни отговора от 40 възможни, за да вземете изпита. Времетраенето е 90 минути + 23 минути добавено време за non-native English speakers.