10-12.06.2025 - BCS Advanced Requirements Engineering - присъствено обучение
Детайли за курса:
- 3 дни
- Цена на курса 1250 лв. + ДДС. Цена на изпита remote proctoring 790 лв. + ДДС
- 10/06/2025 - 12/06/2025

Despite the fundamental principles of requirements engineering being relatively well-defined, ‘poor requirements’ are regularly held up as the reason for project failures.
Experienced business analysts know that this can be due to many factors, including failure to align requirements with business objectives, address cultural issues and document requirements at the correct level.
This Advanced Requirements Engineering course tackles the reasons for failure and, via a mixture of discussion and practical work, will help experienced business analysts develop strategies that will help them avoid requirements pitfalls and tackle more challenging requirements engineering assignments.
Presented to you by one of the expert training consultants pictured below, each member of our Advanced Requirements Engineering training team bring their substantial experience of working on challenging and complex requirements engineering assignments to the programme.
To give you more of an idea of what you’ll learn and how the course will help you, here’s a quick guide to those three days.
Understanding the enterprise
- Enterprise Architecture: Zachman Framework; TOGAF
- Business Architecture: The Business Model Canvas; capability maps and capabilities; value streams
- Value propositions and service thinking
The analysis portfolio
- Portfolios, Programmes and Projects: definitions and governance
- Enterprise governance
- Requirements governance
- The portfolio of analysis projects
- Analysis portfolio prioritisation and planning
The requirements engineering plan
- Programme Manager, Project Manager, Business Architect: roles and responsibilities
- Terms of reference for requirements engineering
- Problem definition
- Planning and estimating for requirements engineering
Engaging with stakeholders
- Relevance of elicitation techniques
- Questioning approaches
- Listening levels and behaviours
- Assertiveness levels
The requirements taxonomy
- Enterprise drivers for requirements
- The hierarchy of requirements
- Prioritisation techniques: MoSCoW; Kano
- Decomposition of requirements and priorities
- Requirements traceability and re-use
Non-functional requirements: user interface requirements
- Customer experience and user experience
- User role attributes and personas
- Usability and accessibility requirements
- Look and feel requirements
- Visualisation techniques: wireframes; prototypes
Non-functional requirements: service quality requirements
- Rationale for service quality requirements
- Performance, capacity and scalability requirements
- Backup and recovery requirements
- Archiving and deletion requirements
- Maintainability, availability and reliability requirements
- Security and access requirements
Acceptance and approval of requirements
- Quality assurance for requirements engineering
- Validation of the RE plan and deliverables
- Acceptance criteria for requirements
- Alignment of requirements to the strategic vision
©Assist Knowledge Development Ltd.
Изпитът e Multiple choice questions формат и е наличен в изпитните центрове на Pearson Vue и като Remote proctoring. И в двата случая е необходимо да имате 26 верни отговора от 40 възможни, за да вземете изпита. Времетраенето е 90 минути + 23 минути добавено време за non-native English speakers.