25-26.03.2025 - BCS Modelling Business Processes - присъствено обучение
Детайли за курса:
- 2 дни
- Цена на курса 1000 лв. + ДДС. Изпитът се заплаща отделно в изпитните центрове на Person Vue.
- 25/03/2025 - 26/03/2025

On this Modelling Business Processes course, you, the business analyst, are provided with the framework, skills and techniques you need to enable you to successfully model business processes and deliver process improvements. As with all AssistKD practitioner courses, you’ll use a realistic case study to practise the key techniques learned, including modelling an organisation, analysing tasks and managing and measuring processes.
We’ll also cover other important, related issues such as human performance and process measurement, as well as theoretical concepts that are supported by detailed case studies. It’s the perfect opportunity for you to apply your knowledge to both AS-IS and TO-BE process models.
Presented to you by one of the expert training consultants pictured below, each member of our Modelling Business Processes training team bring their substantial experience of business analysis projects and application of process modelling techniques to the programme.
- Introduction – 0.5 hour
- The context for Business Process Modelling response – 1 hour
- Modelling at the Enterprise level – 2.5 hours
- Modelling at the Event-Response level – 4 hours
- Modelling at the Actor-Task level – 3 hours
- Improving Business Processes – 3 hours
- Managing and implementing Change – 1 hours
Изпитът е Multiple choice questions и е наличен в изпитните центрове на Pearson Vue и като Remote proctoring. И в двата случая е необходимо да имате 25 верни отговора от 40 възможни, за да вземете изпита. Времетраенето е 60 минути + 15 минути добавено време за non-native English speakers.